General Navigation

After logging in, you will have a global view of events generated in the past 24 hours.

How to Move the Map

  • Drag the screen to pan the map

  • Scroll with your mouse to zoom

  • Use (+) and (-) controls on the left-hand side to zoom in/out

  • Double-click on a specific location to zoom in

How to Change the Time Frame

Use the Date Range picker to change the time frame. 

Graphical user interface, timeline

Description automatically generated

How to View Events

The dropdown menu under “Events” shows all the event types Skylight generates. If there is a lot of clutter, you can use this menu to narrow down on events of interest: 

  • Standard Rendezvous Events (A)

  • Dark Rendezvous Events (A)

  • Fishing Events (A)

  • Potential Dark Activity (Beta) (A)

  • Entry Events (C)

  • Speed Range Events (C)

  • Vessel Detections (A)

Some event types are generated automatically (A), while other events need to be configured to an area before they appear (C). Therefore when you first log-in, you will see Standard and Dark Rendezvous Events, Fishing Events, and Vessel Detections. But you may not see Entry or Speed Range Events. How to configure events is described elsewhere

Selecting an event, either with the Event List (collapsible sidebar on the right) or by clicking on the icon on the map, will bring up a card that displays more details about the event.