The integration supports the following actions.
SMART to EarthRanger:
EarthRanger event categories and event types are created from SMART data models and selected configurable data models.
EarthRanger subjects are created from SMART CA patrol model members.
EarthRanger to SMART:
Reports captured in EarthRanger associated with event types created by this integration are sent to SMART as independent incidents or waypoints.
Events in EarthRanger not associated with patrols are created/updated as independent incidents in SMART.
Events in EarthRanger associated with patrols are created/updated as patrol waypoints in SMART.
Patrols created in EarthRanger are created and updated in SMART.
Attachments included in reports in EarthRanger are attached to their respective incident or waypoint in SMART.
Other notes
A single EarthRanger site can be linked to one or multiple SMART Conservation Areas.
⚠️ Limitations
Delete operations are not currently supported.
Patrols are synchronized to SMART CA using a specific patrol mandate and patrol type. See Configure your CA .
Future Releases
The following actions will be supported on future releases.
Real-time syncs between EarthRanger and SMART Connect (i.e., changes done in EarthRanger inside the SMART Desktop browser are push to SMART immediately).
Support for delete operations (i.e., remove event types and event categories when the data model changes).
Fetch patrol types from SMART.
Remove limitations listed above ( )